Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year!

This new year is special. It’s one of those rare nights of my life when I’ll be hitting the bed with 3 hours to midnight, and to add to it, it’s a new year eve. And I feel this day is really special, probably for the first time.

Lord Jagdesh, the ruler/owner of the world, owns all land, water and air that surrounds us. Now, he owns me, rather, a part of me. I gave away a part of mine to the almighty today (it’s a tradition over here), and I hope it never gets back to me. Feels good to leave it behind and go ahead all carefree and confident, relying on the One which inspires people all around to globe to live, and to be good.

A philosophy classmate of mine gave a presentation on the existence/ non-existence of ‘God’, and concluded saying it is not important which of the two options is really true. Rather, what is important is the existence of ‘belief in God’. For me today, there is a ‘belief in God’, as true as my own existence. Hope it goes on, and makes me happier each day :).


Thursday, December 6, 2007


“Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either; just Fuck off and leave me alone.”

"Once upon a time, there lived in the woods of northern India, a witch (Khalnayika :P) named Artihc. A witch alright but with a strange and oddly attractive character. A witch who rode the Nimbus 2000s, loved the world of fiction, the Lord of the Rings, the Harry Porters & those who shall not be named (at least here :D). A witch which never got tired of caring for the people surrounding her, which never got tired of thinking about them. A witch which never did an evil, which never wanted to hurt a soul!! And equally interesting were her set of choices, her predictable unpredictability, the ‘conflicts within’ and a select few of her ghostly and witchlike friends :D.

By the way, the story is not of old, & nowhere near an end! You may find her just round the corner someday, and with her charm around, ‘beware’ or ‘bewitched’!;)

P.S. Excuse me for the use of whichs in place of thats. It's a witch story afterall!"

Well, I recently learned there’s a ‘but’ to every story. Yes, a BUT. So what’s that but in here. Umm, well, to write it down, and as creatively and with as much of an impact on the reader as I did for the good part (I believe :P) would be both unfair and impossible. Unfair, because it SHOULD be boring, boring because I’ll not like a karela to be wrapped around in sugar juices to make it edible. Impossible, because if you look at it carefully, you’ll realize every story has a but, but that but is different for everyone who reads the story.

Well, having said that, here’s my but of the story. Na, I’ve decided I’d rather not write, and leave for the reader to interpret his/her but of the story.

Cheers to life!! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

48 hours

48 hours of anxiety

48 hours of tension

48 hours of retrospection

48 hours of enmity

48 hours of jealousy

48 hours of pretension

48 hours of desire

48 hours of faith

48 hours of ensuring a good future

48 hours of proving yourself to the world

48 hours of proving yourself to yourself

The last 48 hours were weird. 48 hours. They summarized our stay at IIT, almost.

Some got what they wanted.

Some never figured out what they wanted.

Some wished everything.

Some kept learning.

Some remained silent.

Some remained watchful.

Some left bad for good.

Some lost good to bad.

Some didn’t have the skill.

Some never gathered courage.

Some remained confused.

Some only cursed.

Some emerged happy.

Some remained sad.

If only we realized…

The importance of relativity

The working of probability

The existence of destiny

The mask of happiness

The ice of failure

The presence of Buddha!!

If only…

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Quote - unquote

23 is a prime number; may this year leave you with memories to cherish as you look back at your prime years.

23 is an odd number; may this year show you how you're the odd one and that you are not meant to live an ordinary life.
23 is a number with ordered digits; may you discover order in the disordered, patterns in the random.
23 is the indivisible, the defiant, the unbreakable.
Celebrate 23 well-lived years and look forward to so many more.
Happy 23rd!

Nice work Sherene :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

That time of the year, again!!!!

Through the spells of scorching heat, the endless damping downpour of monsoons and the sweaty dirty October heat, the city’s finally looking ahead to the amazing spell of winters…

It’s that time of the year, when weather is not sweaty!!!
It’s that time of the year, when sleeping is the best activity!! :)

It’s that time of the year, when we all love to be foodie!!
It’s that time of the year, when wines are an ecstasy!!

It’s that time of the year, when girls opt to wear!! :P
It’s that time of the year, when end-sems appear!! :D

It’s that time of the year, when the colours are all bright!!
It’s that time of the year, when the mood is always high!!

It’s that time of the year, when cool breeze flirts!!
It’s that time of the year, when love is in the air!!

It’s that time of the year, when it’s fun to be here!!
It’s that time of the year, when I miss you most, my dear!! ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis

Following the day of the 76th death anniversary of the great German philosopher Hegel, my interpretation of his three brainchild:

When my mother gave me birth, I was all alone in the world. I can say so now, but I don’t know if I really felt alone back then, because I didn’t knew what being alone meant :P. This loneliness dissolved. As I started growing up, I realized there were people around me: my parents, my sisters, my relatives. They nurtured me, protected me, guided me, they helped me grow and become an individual.

One fine day, and I don’t know when, I discovered I had one more brother, named X. I wasn’t sure if he was my own blood, but I could feel him and much more than I could feel connected to the other people in my life. He was my same age. Agile, innocent, inquisitive, patient, intelligent, fun loving and open minded. And above all, a great observer and analyzer with infinite thirst for knowledge. I thoroughly enjoyed being with him and learning in his company. I call him Albert, though others usually behaved as if unaffected by his presence.

Time passed, and I kept growing older. I moved out into the real world, and found lots and lots of people in the form of friends, teachers, professionals, indifferents and so on. Albert was always still around, but then I became conscious of yet another brother of mine. Y, who I named Ashoka was different from Albert. He was aggressive, arrogant, argumentative and stubborn. He had his ideas and ideals, and would defend them on each and every step. He had an inflated ego, and his character’s strength attracted respect and condemnation at the same time. I learned lots from him, be it anger, aggression, etc. on one hand to debating, logic, etc. on the other hand. And increasingly with age, Ashoka started dominating Albert in all places. When in solitude, Albert always loomed around, while Ashoka marked public places as his territory prohibiting Albert to hang around much there.

Now, I’ve learned to live with both Albert and Askoha. And I can even decide who will underplay in a situation and who won’t. And all this, I learnt later, was a blessing from the youngest of us all. Z, who I fondly call the Buddha, had amazing capabilities. He was calm, serene, synergizing, hopeful, optimistic and highly intellectual. But the best aspect of his character was the ability to look for good in everything around him. Buddha helped me manipulate actions of Albert and Ashoka, and activate them whenever needed, to get the best out of their abilities. And it gave me all its powers of creation, of spreading bliss, of experiencing contentment and happiness.

Buddha, be my companion now, and for ever!

Credits to:

  • Philosopher Hegel, for the amazing theory of thesis(Albert), antithesis(Ashoka) and synthesis(Buddha).
  • Bhagyashree’s latest forwarded text message, which inspired me to write this.
  • Gurmeet, for putting the concept across so beautifully.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The best of things!!!

A ‘fading out’ Radiohead music piece!!!!!!!
A great meal after footer!!
Nightout conversations
A successful Java code!!
An Opera shortlist :P
A lecture on TED
Mid night calls :)
Kerala trips
Chit-ra-chats ;)
A cup of coffee
Philosophy presentations
Winning sittings of FLASH
The incomprehensible ‘junk’ :D
Probablity, randomness and relativity!
The best of friends (SABACANS – wow, a perfect mix of vowels and consonants!!)


Hopes of an exciting day.... Truly, the world’s not enough!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

A journey.. a discovery

A Beautiful face showing thousands of emotions.
A dark skin complimented with still deeper, darker eyes and waterfalling hairs.
A heart filled with desires, with dreams and ambitions.
A mind searching peace, finding happiness in the air, everywhere.
A voice full of melody, of comfort, of understanding.
A confidence of kings with innocence of a child.
A purity of gold with shine of a diamond.

Hard to believe such beauty exists, harder still that I was lucky to come across one!
Thanks to my bestest of friends and the almightly who made it possible :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The inconsistent me!

In this world of integrity, I find myself a complete misfit!

Integrity? In what? In your ideals! In your definitions of virtue and vice. Your definitions of rights, morality, honestly, faith, truth on one hand and wrongs, pretensions, selfishness, injustice on the other…

Integrity? In what? In your ideas! In your definitions of happiness, contentment, satisfaction, work, vision, love, joy, future, religion, relationships, money, material…

Integrity? In what? In your actions! En route your destination! In your goals, your aspirations, your dreams. In keeping up with your love, your relationships, your friendships, your identity…

I lack integrity! My frequently changing ideas and ideals are scary. Not only to my fellows, but sometimes to myself. Once 6 lakhs looked good, now 9 seems OK. Once teaching seemed heaven, now consultancy seems PERFECT. Once great cooking and long hairs were necessary, now a good understanding works FINE. Once Krishna was The lord, and then Ayn Rand, and now the Buddha seems DIVINE.

Does this speak of something? I don’t know. But yes, it defines me! It defines me as something undefined. As someone that may change each season, each day, each minute, and even due to those dangerously weak moments of inspirations and observations.

But if I am what my ideals and ideas are, then I would better not exist! Because beyond this human mind lies my consciousness, that naïve, unclear, impulse driven consciousness, which has no ideas, no ideals, no society, no self. It’s the undefined that defines me, and in its appreciation lies the essence of my existence!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The pursuit of HappYness

It would be almost precise to say that happiness is one thing we all live for. I’ve now been a philosopher/thinker (self proclaimed :P) since probably, umm, class eighth. Around that time I had the privilege of being in the company of one of the best friends I have ever had, and thanks to destiny, when children of our age were probably in front of TV sets and teenagers busy in eve teasing, we were mapping Marine Drive up and down round and round, trying to unfold the mysteries of human life.

It took me a good 4 years I guess to get to this basic point, the statement I opened this blog with. I guess it was ought to come some day, probably it came to me a little earlier than others, probably later… But the timing wasn’t important. The conclusion was!

Well, the conclusion was very nice for a few months, because being happy was easy back then. Actually, as far as I recall, I didn’t knew what unhappiness meant till 10th. There were moments which were low, but surprisingly, nothing could shake you back then! Everything was momentary, a cricket match, a board result, a street fight, a bad day, everything! Not a father’s death though, and then I started learning what permanence is, and how much it matters.

Then permanence gained prominence! It was almost a shocker, something I really had tough time coping up with. Permanence was desired, in career, in love, in freedom, in finances, in security… the word unfolded the true, outside world, something that you see only when you go beyond parental love. And permanence demanded planning, it demanded sacrifices, it gave responsibilities. But it came with a beautiful promise, a promise of perpetual happiness and comfort. And the offer was attractive, so I fell for it!

Today, I come back to the basic question. Happiness we all desire, happiness we want perennially, but how do we get it? Seven years of everything show no correlation between happiness and permanence! Everything, yes I literally mean everything!

Career successes! Music! Movies! Booze! Philosophy! School! Fun trips! Good friends! Leisure times! Techfest! Internship! Bandstand!

So, back to square one! Seven years of experimentation showed no correlation of happiness with permanence, with security, with hard work, with relations, with creativity, nothing at all! Time to rethink? What options do we have anyways:

  1. Happiness can’t be permanent?
  2. Accept cycles of happiness and sadness, and be happy whenever you can be :P.
  3. Happiness is no ultimate aim, neutrality (shunyata) is!!

Can someone help, other than the Buddha himself !!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The slowly approaching dusk :)

I recently received a very interesting forward from one of my friends. It fancied how life would be if it were to be reversed. Very interesting piece I must say. Such creativity. Whola! Being a ‘buddha’ though, I hold some contrary views and opinions :P.

The teenage, the twenties. What do you recollect?

Cravings- for attention, for love, for sex, for money, for jobs, for peace, for good company, for achievements, for ambition, for bliss…

Confusions – over morality, over career, over choices, over religion, over actions, over speech, over self…

Criticisms – of unfairness, of politics, of terrorism, of education systems, of blind faith, of restrictions…

Pretensions – of happiness, of joy, of stability, of clarity, due to peer pressure, due to hidden desires...

Yes, this period made me what I am. But it was and wasn’t fun in varying senses.

The thirties, the forties. What do you expect?

Good money, good family, good sex life, moderate achievements, strengthened faith, clearer vision, the joy of teaching, the glow of knowledge, the glow of experience, the joy of loving (selflessly), the joy of caring, the joy of contribution, the joy of living life your true self

The satisfaction, the contentment, the happiness!!

Twenties, I’m loving you! Thirties, I’m coming!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Walk of life

Silence is all around. Life seems devoid of all emotions. No excitement, no anticipations, no assumptions, no love, no hatred, no pain, no desperation, no ambition, no pride, no honour, no achievement.

This is how regular life is I guess. This is how it feels when you stop at times to take rest. Mind you, it’s not contemplation, not retrospection, it’s just a walk on the beach of time, where the only concern you have is to pull your feet out of sand moment that it’s trapped in, only to fall trap to another moment in time. The beach is endless! The time is infinite. And it always has been. But I’ve been running since long.

Once I was a kid, and I recall walking on this beach. It was all full of pleasure and fun. Then came adolescence, then youth, and now, I’m one of the fastest horses on this beach. Not only that, it had made me pride, it had made me tired, and now, I’m addicted to it. I run, I get tired. I stop, I try and walk, but I just can’t. I start my run again, get tired again… This beach has been teasing me, showing me targets to achieve, but they’ve all been fake. I achieved some, I failed at times. But the outcomes didn’t matter. What mattered was running, because they made me full, they made me ME. I could have been a different me, running at a different speed, at a different part of the beach, but I am where I am, and I am what I am.

But now I wonder, because once, I was indeed a kid. And back then, I literally can’t run. Metaphorically today, I can’t WALK! No matter how tired I may be, I need to run behind my targets, my goals, my passions, my fire, my desire. Why? Because walking makes me anxious, it makes me fear. Fear what? Probably of my presence, my existence, my significance! Don’t know what all. But it makes me sick, or at least, it used to make me sick.

I asked Buddha, I asked Krishna, I asked my parents, I asked my friends. They say I need to choose for myself. We are all a different case, running at a different pace, living a different life, thinking we are doing right… Well, in this world where there’s no wrong and no right, arguments would just be void.

So here I am, on the beach of sand, walking… yes, emotionally empty, spiritually empty, logically empty, I WALK! At least, for a while...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Just can't get enough

Pre script: This is one of the most blatant examples of plagiarism :P. My thanks to 'the living junkie' for the inspiration :).

First sight. Looks. Actions. Reactions. Crushes. Attempts. Attention. Jealousy. More attempts. Give up. Yet more attempts. Friendship with friends. The right moments. FRIENDSHIP. Exploration. Calculation. Analysis. Doubts. Queries. More doubts. More queries. Disscusions. Conclusions. Dissatisfaction. More discussions. More conclusions. Dissatisfaction. Belief. Mental peace. Interruptions. Parting. DISTANCES.

Changes. More changes. Many changes. Flashbacks. MEMORIES. Attraction. Urge. Attempts. More attempts. Revival. PROXIMITY. Exploration. More queries. More discussions. Belief. Loss of faith. Restlessness. Anxiety. CONFESSIONS. Rejections. Tears. Pain. Ego. Pretension. Persuasion. Persistence. HOPE. Hoping against hope. Exploration. Revaluation. Attempts. Show offs. Anxiety. Absurdity. Experimentation. 'Film'ization. Debates. Fights. Big fights. REALIZATION. Questions. More questions. Desperate questions. Taxi rides. CONFRONTATION. Explanations. Suggestions. Problems. No solutions! Unclear problems. Unknown solutions. Confusion. FAITH. FEELINGS. Pretensions. Avoidance. Ignorance. Dramatization. No ENDS. No visible SOLUTIONS!

The search goes on. The faith all strong.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stream of conciousness 2

Funny. First time I wanted to write a story, and here’s a space constraint. Only four pages :P. (Very rarely my writings go on paper, its difficult to decipher my handwriting, even for me, he he). Yes, this observation speaks of my nature. I take too many words to convey a little. And yes, it also well explains my love and envy towards those whose silence speaks volumes. Anyways, this is me.

Funny, again! This blog can as well be titled “A train journey”. Never knew school essays would come back! No, this is going to be different. Devoid of all excitement and adventures, more real in nature, largely speaking of emotions, of the world in my mind.

O these awesome ghats! And that pretty muslim girl between me and the ghats. And the most beautiful of evening sunrays just enough to light up her face, turning her cheeks glowing red. And the way she caresses her long hair bringing them in front from her back. And the IPOD playing ‘O Meri Jaan!’. What a beautiful moment. Well, I guess she’s already turned off seeing a scribbling maggu in front of her :P. Let’s move ahead.

Oops! Interruption. A crippled beggar. I didn’t give him even a penny. Not that I can’t, but life looks too beautiful at the moment to see any pain. I’ll be humane later.

Coming back to the ghats (not to the girl :D). What an awesome panorama! Looks like God spilled excess green colour here while painting the earth. I wonder if really only 17% of India is under green cover.

Oh no! Another interruption L. ‘Rishtey’ on IPOD. No time for sad songs. Changed to ‘Baatien kuch ankahi si’. I love this one.

Yes, beauty, it appeals in various forms. But I’m not here to appreciate beauty. Infact, I was talking of emotions, right? Let’s go back. From where I started (some 5 paragraphs back), the ghats, they were not the real starting point of my thoughts. They didn’t define beauty. Yes, they’re beautiful. But not the definition. It was a face that came up first. Then came the ghats, the music, the muslim girl, I saw them all under this influence. You see, it is she who defines beauty.

Yes, she is beauty! Not that this has always been my definition of beauty, no. Something made it beautiful. Call it love, or some feeling. Mind you, a very strong feeling. There’s something I really wonder. I wonder the power of love as an emotion. Emotions have always been there, some weak, some very powerful, but none has been so mighty. Let’s have a flashback of some of those.

  • Ambition – Has a very strong role in my life. But the maximum I can sustain it is probably 4 days, may be 5, before I break down. Then I call my mom (see love here!), get recharged and get back to work. No doubt, achievements make you feel good. Techfest was great fun.

  • Hate – Remains for a ridiculously less time. Guess its human nature to forgive and forget. Haven’t really been good at hating people so can’t site anything. Indifference is easier for me.

  • Friendship – Very strong again. And very cool too! One thing which probably gives you only all pleasure. I’ve really craved at times for Saurabh and Achin (also for Suman and Akshay), but those are only loose moments. Moments of high and low, standalone things.

  • Love – Oops! Another interruption. A pleasant one this time! I just caught that girls eyes staring into mine. It was awesome :D. Coming back to love, this is the most powerful of all. In absence of ambition, love clearly rules. Sometimes, even in the presence of it. Its completely over me, day and night, winter and summer, June and July, all has been love. Sometimes I wonder how it can occupy so much of me! Is it just there filling some emptiness, or is this the divine feeling we always search for? No answers here with me, but this time is really good!

Again! This time two little girls playing music for some money. This was beautiful, I rewarded it! Running out of pages, but I’m done with what I had to say (in less than 3 actually :D).

Thanks for coming along till the end J.


(Running ‘Dilruba’ from Kailasa, bajate raho! :D)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Stream of conciousness 1

A word of caution. I don’t know what I’m writing or where it’ll go. I may not finish it, shape it, conclude it. Move with my thoughts:

“No, I need to get this right. Was Buddha right when he saw and said ‘sarvam dukkham dukkham’? Was he? They say he was an enlightened one, but he spoke about shunyata. They tell he attained nirvana, but he asked us to follow the Middle Path. Was he right? Or were his contradictory disciples right? There’s something wrong somewhere.

One thing, however, is certain. There are cycles of pain and joy. And unfortunately, though the human race loves to think otherwise, pain dominates. Pain is what we see in every aspect of life. Attending classes, waiting in traffic, following rules, craving for pleasure, wanting money, seeking good times – where is the bliss people talk of? And that makes me think, and think, and think.

And yes, Buddha too, did ponder. For days, precisely 49 they say, without eating, sleeping, talking, thinking… he experienced shunyata continually for 49 days. And then came the day of enlightenment. My search, analogous, but much weaker, would last a quarter of an hour, maybe a minute more or less. But my search is sustained. Each day, each quarter, these questions come up. And they go unanswered, sometimes laughing at me, sometimes sympathizing with me, sometimes belittling me. What they never tell me is what their answers are!

And then I meet people, see people, talk to them. And I ask them such questions. To some they never occurred, to some they were too naïve to be discussed, and for some they were perfectly solved ones. No one, however, ever became capable of giving me an answer I liked. But then, the great Buddha himself never did. He believed one needs to experience Shunyata before he understands, and that he can’t do for me or for you. It has to come from the seeker, from within.

After writing of all this crap, strange is the fact that those questions return. The very same questions that have been haunting, from whom I’ve been running come back. I want to break free. This symbolic freedom is useless. The questions tie me down, they rag me, strip me, pinch me. I need answers. Not to those funny little engineering problems. To these real exaggerated problems about life, about love, about future. About all those thoughts I deny every night as pity to get some sleep, only to wake up with them over me again. I want answers! And I want them all! I don’t know if ‘shruti’ or ‘smriti’ would help, I don’t know if teachings of wise men would. All I know is I need this peace of mind, and this real freedom from the slavery of my brain and my thoughts.”

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


These ideas are not unique, no! They aren't mine any more than they are yours, no! But what makes these ideas beautiful is when you see the reflection of your life in those ideas. They have been very much there, circling you, confusing you, attracting you, dumping you, and then one day the beauty of the idea strikes. Some exert such phenomenal power they make it to the center of your universe. Others barely go even as close to staying with you for a couple of days. No matter what, these ideas reflect the urge of human mind to learn and reflect, to solve and determine. To feel in control. To feel all powerful.

Yes, its these ideas which convert to theories, to doctrines, to principles. And in the process of making us powerful, they get so powerful they rule us. They guide us, protect us, prove us... and we love being with them.

But in ages comes a philosopher like Nagarjuna. A philosopher, who was powerful enough to present an idea that changed the notion of an idea. An idea, which converted to a doctrine, yes, but an idea that changed nothing. An idea that brought with it no identity, no self, no morailty, no judgment, no conviction, no authority. The idea made me lame, it made me sick and then it made me 'Buddha'. It made me learned, it showed me 'emptiness', it made me feel 'nothingness'. It proved there was no sorrow and joy, no day and night, no truth and falsehood. There was nothingness in the air (if there was air!). Something that's inspired from the great scholar.

"The philosophers have spent ages listing, searching and defining words of wisdom; words which they say would make you feel close to the 'paramatma', the almighty. Words that spell satisfaction, contentment, happiness, spirituality, andonandonandon. Alas, the human race never got even as close to defining them as it went on to understand the most complex of scientific theories that exist today. Theories which were given birth by questions raised a mere 100 years ago! Theories which changed the world around us!

So it makes me wonder: If such has been the fate of this search, that in thousands of years, not even a single soul on earth has done as good to listing, defining and searching those words of wisdom as has been done by Einstein to relativity, by Newton to gravity, and by Bohr to 'uncertainty', then does there exist even the slightest of possibility (hope! for some) of arriving at a universal definition of these terms? Would we ever have equations calculating satisfaction, summations leading to contentment and differentials leading to happiness?

And then, are we looking to achieve satisfaction? or contentment? or happiness? And is one different from the rest? Or are there more such terms waiting on the brim of your mind to fall off and stare at you with eyes wide open? Do you really know what you, and more interestingly, what every other human soul in this world wants so as to define these terms of wisdom?

This is the limit of perception! This is when you ask, how do I get all knowledge?

And then you feel nothingness. And then, you know everything (and nothing).

Think, you may, but these are questions beyond your tiny instrument of reasoning. "

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Love (or was it?), Love (that will be!)

Standing on the sand

Looking at the sea

Contemplating me

Believing in Thee

Moments of that bliss

And sorrow and misery

Emotions of all kinds

Love, faith, insecurity

Craving for that care

Wanting to be there

Dreaming of the future

Flying in the air

Time that has past

Things that have been

Memories that did last

Hoping I’ll be…

For what I have been trying

For what I have been crazy

Now that all’s so happy

That need ceases to be

“Love is when you start loving what your love always loved.

Love is when you will be happy in the happiness of your love.”

- Anonymous

Friday, August 17, 2007

A word on EGO

The world is burning in the fire of desire, in greed, arrogance and excessive ego.

- Guru Granth Sahib

It’s selfish, it’s mean

It’s jealous, possessive

It’s dependant and weak

It’s immoral, narcissistic

It’s obnoxious, uncivilized

It’s my bad bad EGO!

(It's) The ego that drives

The ego that inspires

The ego that reasons

The ego that debates

The ego that craves

The ego that aspires

The ego that creates

The ego that relates

The ego that defends

The ego that remains

The ego that should be

The ego that makes me

The ego which does that

The ego which they hate!

This is something basic to be understood: the ego must come to a peak, it must be strong, it must have attained integrity only then can you dissolve it.

- Anonymous

Monday, August 13, 2007

Boundaries of perception

Break, from the boundaries

Break, from the fear

Break, from this culture

Break, as if you don’t care

Break from the scripts and texts

Get rid of the shit that’s there

Break, from the notions

Break, and learn to dare

Break, all assumptions

All religions, all prayers

Break, from the ‘I’m right’

Break, to be fair

Break, to be selfish

Break, hate and despair

Break, free from illusions

Break, to be clear

And break the prison, and oh you should!

To see the light that’s there

And break those walls that you’ve made

Out of nothing but thin air!

Friday, April 20, 2007


hmm, hum blog kyun likhte hain? :-/. Pata nahin. Anyways, taking thread from this one, I'd love to write on this very important question. Why?
Why do you do anything (except for those you can't do without, breathing for example :P)?
1. For a secure future?
2. For fun and happiness?
3. For survival or fame, money or love?
Too many options!! I uesd to hate life coachs before I heard this one. You got to listen to this 20 minute piece, even if remotely interested to know how complicated, yet so simple life is.
(Sorry users with a low bandwidth, its a pretty bulky video)

My first entry

Hello.. blog check blog check...