Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The slowly approaching dusk :)

I recently received a very interesting forward from one of my friends. It fancied how life would be if it were to be reversed. Very interesting piece I must say. Such creativity. Whola! Being a ‘buddha’ though, I hold some contrary views and opinions :P.

The teenage, the twenties. What do you recollect?

Cravings- for attention, for love, for sex, for money, for jobs, for peace, for good company, for achievements, for ambition, for bliss…

Confusions – over morality, over career, over choices, over religion, over actions, over speech, over self…

Criticisms – of unfairness, of politics, of terrorism, of education systems, of blind faith, of restrictions…

Pretensions – of happiness, of joy, of stability, of clarity, due to peer pressure, due to hidden desires...

Yes, this period made me what I am. But it was and wasn’t fun in varying senses.

The thirties, the forties. What do you expect?

Good money, good family, good sex life, moderate achievements, strengthened faith, clearer vision, the joy of teaching, the glow of knowledge, the glow of experience, the joy of loving (selflessly), the joy of caring, the joy of contribution, the joy of living life your true self

The satisfaction, the contentment, the happiness!!

Twenties, I’m loving you! Thirties, I’m coming!!!


Chitra Nayak said...

its a good one..
As u r in twenties and in India,i understand why the word 'sex' has popped up so many times !!

but the rest is fine!!
the fwd gave me a different angle to look at things..not only life..

keep writing!!

bhagyashree said...

Good money, good family, good sex life, moderate achievements, strengthened faith, clearer vision, the joy of teaching, the glow of knowledge, the glow of experience, the joy of loving (selflessly), the joy of caring, the joy of contribution, the joy of living life your true self

The satisfaction, the contentment, the happiness!!

this is wt almost everybody has in mind rite at this moment in their adolescence(i consider 20 smethings adolescents only...most o thm really r)...bt wt if it doesnt happn the way v xpect??...wt if LYF doesnt turn up the way v wish it to...???wt if the married lyf is nt that hunky dory???....wt if u end up with a total loser???....wt if u loose all ur dear n dear ones???

haha ...enuf of imagining hard n pathetic times....i guess!!!

Rajat said...

@Chits: So you think i shall move to US, eh? :P. Btw, I'm sure they speak of sex more than we do, and we blow it up more than we need to :D.

@Bhagya: All you can do is hope for the best, and enjoy every moment of life!!!! No place for pessimism in my world... :)

Chitra Nayak said...
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Vartika said...

Be the Buddha!!
sure "thirties!i am comin!!" and then forties???

Rajat said...

@Vartika: Forties could be even better!!! Let's see :D. Don go higher up though, just ask your parents bout the rest :P.