Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Death… one of those things we rarely want to talk about. There’s a dark side to everything, or so we believe. To life, it’s death. Looking at every single movie, reading every single piece of literature and poetry, death appears to be the bad thing, something which humans would love to come over, and live life, fearlessly.

Death. What does the word bring to you? People call it the only truth of life. Everything sums up to death. It has too. You have 100 options to exercise today and they keep narrowing down forever. From alphabets and numbers to basic sciences to physics and maths to civil engineering to transportation engineering… It has been narrowing down, and it will continue to. We’ll get choices and we’ll choose. Good or bad. But it can lead us to only one thing. There will be a time when we all will have no options. The 100s today will dwindle to 10s and to 5s, and then God will one day serve us death!

What would it be like looking back from that point - exciting, memorable, agonizing, regretful? Would you like to change back some parts, or relive the whole thing? Would you be proud of what you achieved, or would you worry of what you’re leaving behind? Only time may tell (for some, they even don't get a chance to do that bit of thinking).

Here, however, I’m wondering of something else. How would life be if we are constantly reminded of this end? What would matter then? Money, success, faith, love, vision, joy, happiness or something we even never think of may be important. Maybe that we realize nothing indeed is important. Maybe, that we may look forward to death more than anything else, after all it’s the only thing we don’t understand fully and would look forward to exploring, won’t we?

That’s the beauty of death. It makes life so meaningless! Resulting from my curiosity and optimism, I promise myself of embracing death when it comes, as it comes…


The Junkie said...

"Everyone has but one destiny"

A nice way to put things.
If you ask me how will I live my life if I am constantly reminded of is death, (which btw I do. It is because of this fragile nature of life that I try to live every day as it is my last day, I know it sounds a cliche, but I do. The reason is the loss of 3 close people in my life who all died untimely deaths.), then I'll probably answer with a "I'll live my life more vigorously". I will live as if I have very little time to make a difference. I will try to achieve most of the things that I want. And I will happily embrace my end.

If you ask those who have experienced a near death experience then they will tell you that they will definitely not be afraid of death, as the experience had been a very pleasant one :)

Happy living!!

zoobean said...

wow!!!! didn't know u wrote so well....will have to visit ur blog periodically now..

death...such a taboo subject to write about...but still u make sense...and a give it a meaning....which i think is difficult to feel, understand and articulate about at our age....and u've done it...kudos...

Rajat said...

@ Pandeyji : hmm. Waise, from what I've read, God doesn't have much options than to push us back to earth after a while! How unimaginative :P. Let's see how it will be. (I may sound enthusiastic about getting there, but it's not exactly so :D)

@ Zubin bhaiya: Hey, thanks for the comment! And another thanks for an appreciative one!! :D Keep visiting...

Anonymous said...

That's the beauty of death. It makes life so meaningless! ---------------------------------this is wt rajtosh has written...

errrrrrrrrrrrr.....i think xactly the opposite. i think death is wt makes lyf meaningful ...n beautiful. its bcoz v r mortal that v r smethng different..rather vulnerable. v can never cme bak to the sam situation whr v r rite xactly d sam circumstances...rite???that is wt is so UNIQUE!!! in a way death is wt makes it all the mor worthwhile

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