Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year!

This new year is special. It’s one of those rare nights of my life when I’ll be hitting the bed with 3 hours to midnight, and to add to it, it’s a new year eve. And I feel this day is really special, probably for the first time.

Lord Jagdesh, the ruler/owner of the world, owns all land, water and air that surrounds us. Now, he owns me, rather, a part of me. I gave away a part of mine to the almighty today (it’s a tradition over here), and I hope it never gets back to me. Feels good to leave it behind and go ahead all carefree and confident, relying on the One which inspires people all around to globe to live, and to be good.

A philosophy classmate of mine gave a presentation on the existence/ non-existence of ‘God’, and concluded saying it is not important which of the two options is really true. Rather, what is important is the existence of ‘belief in God’. For me today, there is a ‘belief in God’, as true as my own existence. Hope it goes on, and makes me happier each day :).


Thursday, December 6, 2007


“Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either; just Fuck off and leave me alone.”

"Once upon a time, there lived in the woods of northern India, a witch (Khalnayika :P) named Artihc. A witch alright but with a strange and oddly attractive character. A witch who rode the Nimbus 2000s, loved the world of fiction, the Lord of the Rings, the Harry Porters & those who shall not be named (at least here :D). A witch which never got tired of caring for the people surrounding her, which never got tired of thinking about them. A witch which never did an evil, which never wanted to hurt a soul!! And equally interesting were her set of choices, her predictable unpredictability, the ‘conflicts within’ and a select few of her ghostly and witchlike friends :D.

By the way, the story is not of old, & nowhere near an end! You may find her just round the corner someday, and with her charm around, ‘beware’ or ‘bewitched’!;)

P.S. Excuse me for the use of whichs in place of thats. It's a witch story afterall!"

Well, I recently learned there’s a ‘but’ to every story. Yes, a BUT. So what’s that but in here. Umm, well, to write it down, and as creatively and with as much of an impact on the reader as I did for the good part (I believe :P) would be both unfair and impossible. Unfair, because it SHOULD be boring, boring because I’ll not like a karela to be wrapped around in sugar juices to make it edible. Impossible, because if you look at it carefully, you’ll realize every story has a but, but that but is different for everyone who reads the story.

Well, having said that, here’s my but of the story. Na, I’ve decided I’d rather not write, and leave for the reader to interpret his/her but of the story.

Cheers to life!! :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

48 hours

48 hours of anxiety

48 hours of tension

48 hours of retrospection

48 hours of enmity

48 hours of jealousy

48 hours of pretension

48 hours of desire

48 hours of faith

48 hours of ensuring a good future

48 hours of proving yourself to the world

48 hours of proving yourself to yourself

The last 48 hours were weird. 48 hours. They summarized our stay at IIT, almost.

Some got what they wanted.

Some never figured out what they wanted.

Some wished everything.

Some kept learning.

Some remained silent.

Some remained watchful.

Some left bad for good.

Some lost good to bad.

Some didn’t have the skill.

Some never gathered courage.

Some remained confused.

Some only cursed.

Some emerged happy.

Some remained sad.

If only we realized…

The importance of relativity

The working of probability

The existence of destiny

The mask of happiness

The ice of failure

The presence of Buddha!!

If only…