Saturday, May 31, 2008

From a free man... :|

For the first time in my life, and finally, I realized in a contemplating, beautiful sea wave environment what being independent was! My blogs kept questioning this in subdued sense since long, and I’m happy to have an answer finally :).

Personal space, freedom, independence have all become a fashion amongst youths these days. It is so easy to proclaim yourself independent and shoo away people when you do not need them around, but so painful to whine about missing them when they are not around in times of need – trying not to curb your utmost important independence.

Yes, dependent we are! On money and security, on those small moments of happiness, on events which generate the wide spectrum of emotions, on support and care and love from our loved ones – and ironical that it leaves us dependent and sad – more often than not because selfishness is in design of humans.

Are we so weak, so incapable of entertaining ourselves that a group to talk nonsense about, a circus and movie hall, and a lover to support each of our actions is all so necessary! Lions and cows lie peaceful all day (atleast I’ve never heard them complaining :P), but it looks utterly impossible for humans to reach that state! Guess they’ve made more progress in the field that matters… Independent is what GEETA wants you to be – but it certainly looks difficult youths! Stop fooling, start living :).

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sudan calling :)

Lots of things to take note of! And I’m anyways reading short stories, so let’s adopt the format: Short is sweet, afterall! :P

  • Hasan Manzar is a phenomenon! I’ve finally made a good purchase as far as books go :D.
  • Beatles rock! I’m hungry for more good music.
  • Mumbai Indians keep going! We’d win the rest three in style, and uproot Yuvi in the more important game ;).
  • Restricted, slow internet is the worst thing that could happen to an individual. (Some people would rather say working in Sudan is worse; I would quiet disagree :D)
  • This friendship thing is getting difficult everyday! Don’t blame me if the idea starts to suck pretty soon…
  • How do you differentiate between ‘being neglected’ and ‘genuinely not being contacted out of business”? Maybe they are the same – you have to neglect something when you are busy at others, don’t you :P. Well, keep minor issues aside. (When you’re moderately sure you’re doing and thinking 95% of all that’s happening, it has to be a minor issue for the other party :P)
  • ‘Hating’ people is a fashion? Or a necessary emotion? Please help me learn that act – at least so that I can hate people in return.
  • Security my foot! I wish I’d opted to be a sage early in my life. Having no duties and responsibilities may be the best condition for a man to live (Or so one can claim easily sitting in the comfort of a home brought to you by the family who care for your security :P)
  • Having discovered there’s possibly no good greater cause of human life (or I’m probably not brave enough to acknowledge there’s one), how do I convince myself to live? Do I base my life on those moments of electrical impulses my brain registers on every emotion – that’s the opposite of what Buddha taught and that way sucks (so what if it is exactly what drives most of us in our youths!)? Or do I behave as a dead person – following my duty to live devoid of all control and let the Almighty take over? I’m thoroughly confused, and I hate God for this! You better end this well :).

Jerk off emotions, and happily ever after :D.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A strange parallel...

This should have been an entry about alcohol and health, and should have hit my blog a week ago. But now its on alcohol, health and sleep, but please don’t run away already coz its not going to address issues related to alcohol consumption :P.

What does alcohol offer you:

· Numbness
· Lapse of concentration
· Breaks in thought stream (I so love this!!! :) )
· Loss in motor skills

Last one week I experienced a fever over 100 dgrees and a day with barely an hour’s sleep, and at both times I felt high with all the elements I identify alcohol with!

Yes, one may attribute that to the company, which I guess could have been a strong factor :P, but I believe there was an independent character to it and the company just made me have a better outlook and mood to enjoy my fever and lack of sleep :D.

Ofcourse, fever keeps and leaves you all dull and weak, and you can’t get away from it or call it back voluntarily. And lack of sleep is tiring, but it comes for free and with a promise to keep you high for long :D.

Alcoholics - try it out when you get a chance. And don’t be greedy as always; enjoy it till it lasts – not worrying about how long it will :D.
